My analysis
In “Evolution as fact or theory” Gould argues the great misunderstanding scientific creationists have encountered, discussing the lack of scientific understanding on terms such as fact and theory. Since fact is not an absolute certainty and theory an imperfect fact as Gould defines precisely throughout his entire writing, it is quite inevitable to comprehend how scientific creationism was engendered and how it reacted towards evolutionary theory viewing it as erroneous and furthermore enabling an assertion that evolutionist theories are solemnly a “theory” and nothing more. Reagan’s statement clearly depicts this particular scenario “If evolution is less than a fact, and scientists can’t even make up their minds about theory, then what confidence can we have in it? (Reagan, par.4) To support his views Gould then argues that even though evolution is a “theory” it is one that is well supported by facts, in other words there is an abundance of evidence (evolution in this case) but the mechanisms (theory) of how it happened are subject to debate. In the following quote Gould explains why these ideas are debated; “Scientists regard debates as fundamental issues of theory as a sign of intellectual health and source of excitement.” (Gould, par.8) Jay Gould then supports his thoughts by introducing the prominent factor of why science has become a major target for scientific creationists and explains what is actually occurring within the Scientific realm “Yet admist all this turnmoil no biologist has been led to doubt the fact that evolution occurred, we are debating how it happened” (Gould. Par.9) In this last quote In this article Gould introduced major perspectives that belief systems have placed on evolutionary theory, in general it enabled me to understand, and not to mention it actually answered many questions I had on the credibility of science.
Furthermore knowing that the bible is a conjunction of 73 books written in vastly different historic time producing a historic moment at a given time, derived from Hebrew with over hundreds of translations, thus it is expected for radicals and scientific creationists to misunderstand and attack evolutionary theory by placing literal interpretations from the bible, rather than actually understanding the vast use of metaphor and symbolism that lies within the bible itself. Belief systems and Science are two vastly different ideas; one emphasizes on answers without concerning actual facts but relies solemnly in faith, the other questions testable data and relies on facts(empirical evidence), so you tell me how can these two be intertwined? Belief systems can and are at times intertwined with science but we need to comprehend that attacking a realm in which one lack’s sufficient knowledge can result as a great catalyst in causing great issues. In my opinion science and belief systems are placed in order of relating and producing a harmonious experience on life rather than questioning each other. Like Gould states; “Science is-and how else can I say it?” (Gould. Par.10). The same should be applied to belief systems, in other words Belief systems just are as well. If one emphasizes in attacking evolutionary theorists or counterattacking scientific creationists (belief systems) both are falling in the same ignorance they are trying to evade.
Gould also discusses the model used by Scientific creationists as a grouping of ideas that cannot be disproved therefore it is proved to be a false science; so if this is the case then how can this be argued? Therefore if belief systems rely on manifestations and Science in facts, then scientific creationism has no place in science given that it goes against all the beliefs and regulations that lie within science. “scientific creationism is a self-contradictory, nonsense phrase precisely because it cannot be falsified.” (Gould, par.12) In conclusion in this particular passage I would have to agree with Gould, scientific creationism is a false science or in other words is not a science, since these ideas can be disproved but are usually times refuted by belief.
In my opinion in order of creating a greater society we should all strive for a holistic and comprehensive view towards culture, science, and spirituality; in evolutionary theory facts have led to believe that life on earth had one origin therefore all living things have a common ancestor; in Belief systems especially those who lay emphasis on the bible believe that we are all created by one prominent deity made in his perfection therefore if this is the case there is one interconnection between both of these realms; once we begin to comprehend this as a whole we should try to embrace our beliefs and create a harmonious stance toward each other rather than insulting one another.
Overall I learned:
1. Stephen Jay Gould set the blueprint and proposed the punctuated equilibrium model. Over the Darwin gradualism model setting that evolution moves gradually and is interrupted by new species in evolution.
2. Gould proposed that speciation is created under the process of macroevolution rather than microevolution.
3. The 3 major arguments of science and the precise definitions in science of fact theory, scientific creationism and the effects of such ideologies over Stephen Jay Gould’s work.
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