Sunday, October 28, 2012

Unconstitutional - The War on Our Civil Liberties

Throughout the film it was very interesting to observe how Ashcroft and others used the term “patriot” act as a mean of placing a veil in between society and the government subsequently disabling society from questioning the true purposes behind a “patriotic” bill. Although it has been inferred from the Bush administration that this bill not only serves as a weapon against terrorism but it “protects our lifestyle” from “dangerous political enemies”; as a society we must question why is it that John Ashcroft’s (key supporter) so called detainees had and have no alliance to the 9/11 hijackers. Wouldn’t this convey that perhaps the real purpose behind this “patriot act” is to diminish any human right to privacy which so ever in order of establishing a fascist regimen of oppression? Perhaps my conclusion is a bit too drastic. Well let’s take a look at the facts. In the documentary “Unconstitutional: The War On Our Civil Liberties” Ashcroft infers that the patriot act is solemnly persuaded against political enemies, and yet without enough evidence families such as the Hamoui, and citizens such as Jose Padilla are detained without any charges, no legal representation and no evidence of such crimes. If none of these cases had any empirical evidence, what does this convey?
Throughout history  “3rd” world countries have repeatedly encountered the overthrow of their socialist or communist presidents, and the elimination of progressive socialist groups. One prefect example of such is El Salvador’s civil war, in this particular war the U.S played a prominent role in subsiding and aiding El Salvador’s military by training, organizing and financing their soldiers in the Army School of Las Americas located in Georgia. The Army school of Las Americas was an organization structured with the aim of terrorizing and overall eliminating socialist progressive movements. In other words eliminating movements that aid and enforce social equanimity with a leftist inclination.  What I am trying to say is that, I am not surprised of such happenings since the small percentage of the elite has repeatedly enforced such organizations and bills in order of oppressing the people’s basic civil liberties in order of maintaining the current capitalistic system.

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